Natural-Built Tiny House Incorporates Biophilic Design And A Living Roof

  As beautiful as this house is with the unique feature of a 'sine-wave" living roof (tiny living plants on the roof) , I am not quite sure about inviting insects to the house even though I love nature and plants. The interior of the house is decorated simply and feels spacious with plenty of light coming through the glass door and windows but being in the city , I personally have concerns with security that can be provided by , if any, those windows and glass door. The sunroof also provides a lot of light but do they have hails in Portland?  Daughter's lot can have a bit more privacy, especially for teenager. I always prefer having doors for bedrooms , providing some security against night time break-in. The bathroom is spacious and again , my complaint is the composting toilet. I can never buy into it.  I swear if there is a piece of human waste on the bathroom floor , Bryce would say "that piece of shxt looks absolutely beautiful! ".

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